by Sharon Michaels
WORDEN- The Worden Ballantine Water and Sewer District board has reviewed the organization’s procedures and safety manual.
President Gary Foss and board members Don Dvorak, Dan Ewen and Jim Hayes met last month for the review. Foss announced at the district’s meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 10, the personal protective equipment policy they had compiled would be adopted at the district’s next meeting on March 10.
After a lengthy discussion of the policy, the members all agreed the equipment would provide a safer workplace for all employees. They included:
Eye and face protection; goggles or face shields will be provided by the district for such tasks as working with chemicals and sewage.
Hand protection: Appropriate hand protection must be worn when working with chemicals, raw sewage and equipment where cuts and abrasions or other injuries could occur.
Hearing protection: Ear plugs or ear protection will be required where there is excess of permissible levels of and eight-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels or greater.
Head protection: Helmets will be required at all district worksites, whether it be a visitor, contractor or anyone on worksites and locations.
Protective clothing: The members decided all employees will wear high visibility reflective wear. The board decided vests would work great for the district.
Seatbelt use: All employees must wear their seatbelts at all times when operating district equipment and vehicles.
Communications, cell phones and other electronic devices: Personal cell phones and pagers on company times are prohibited. When using the district’s cell phone, no texting or placing calls while operating district equipment or while driving without first pulling over in a safe location. Use of ear devices such as iPods, MP3 players and headphone receivers while working or operating district vehicles is expressly prohibited. Having the ability to hear is vital to safe operations.
The members also decided they need material safety sheets to be kept at the office. Certified fire extinguishers would also be needed at the five pump houses along with first aid kits.
Don Dvorak and Dan Ewen will be checking prices for the district on the equipment that will be needed for the updated policies.
Foss reported water meter replacements are ongoing and connect and disconnect fees will be reviewed next month. The Carol McClain release should be completed in March 25. McClain’s garage sits on the district’s sewer line that needs to be replaced on Yellowstone Avenue.
“This has caused a long delay in the replacement and it needs to be completed,” said Foss.