Scheduled Power Outage

A scheduled power outage is planned for Lockwood residents and businesses tomorrow Sunday October 13, 2013 starting at 6am.  Yellowstone Valley Electric Coop, located in Huntley, is informing area residents of the planned outage as there is some winter work that is planned to be completed in the area by Northwestern Energy. 

After talking to the dispatch for YVEC, Northerwestern Energy is hoping to get all of the maintenance taken care of as soon as possible in the early part of the outage but said it could go for longer if issues are encountered.  Local businesses and gas stations will probably not be affected as others will be depending on their location. 

Yellowstone Valley Electric has made a number of upgrades in the Lockwood area including the power lines from the substation on Old Hardin Road, over the interstate and along Coulson Road to the newly constructed Pacific Steel Car Crusher plant on Coulson Road

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