Mail Addressed to Lockwood, MT?

LockwoodMT59101Lockwood_addressed_envelope_with_stampWith the Lockwood area growing with more residents, properties and P.O box addresses;  did you know that there was a Lockwood, MT Postal Code address?  Did you know that you could send an envelope to your address and replace the Billings, MT 59101 part and insert Lockwood, MT 59101?  Not many people know about that little tid bit of information.  However, its been in effect for a number of years but many don’t know it.

When asked if they knew that they could do it, many residents that were asked said that they didn’t think it could be done so try it yourself.  here’s the info you need to try it yourself.

Drop a letter in the mail to yourself( preferably in Billings somewhere) in a drop box or drop off location.  Make sure the address is updated to say Lockwood, MT 59101.  Put your name on it so that everything else is the same except the location and zip code area.

For example, If your current address is:

Your Name

1234 Becraft Ln

Billings, MT 59101            

You can change it to say the following:  Your Name

1234 Becraft Ln

Lockwood, MT 59101

And it will be sent to your mailbox in Lockwood.

Now if you are even more interested in keeping that Lockwood address, then feel free to add that address permanently on your checks, business cards and/or even business letter head so that you can let others know where you live.  In fact, other residents within Lockwood already do it but many don’t do it as they were not aware of the option.  Send us your feedback if you decide to try this little experiment from Lockwood.

Finally,  did you notice that the Lockwood Water & Sewer District has their mail sent to their address at Lockwood, MT 59101 Check it out here! 

Click here for Local Lockwood Post office info

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