“Celebrate Lockwood” Community Meeting Announced

Lockwood Community is planning to bring to pass a big one year celebration meeting on October 14th from 6-8pm.  Community organizations and Lockwood Districts are planning to have a table at Lockwood’s Sturdevant Gym to distribute info, answer questions and celebrate the many accomplishments in the Lockwood area from 6-7pm.

The main meeting will be from 7pm – 7:45pm so that refreshments, celebration and mingling can take place immediately after.  There have been prizes donated from community businesses and organizations to give out at the main meeting.  Door Prizes include T-shirts, gift cards, 2 – $50 gas cards, as well as a grand prize worth $300-$600 to be given away at the main meeting from 7-8pm.  Winners have to be present at the meeting in order to collect their prize.

The Lockwood Steering Committee is requesting that each Lockwood business donate some door prize worth $25-$50 or more to give away during the one year celebration.  The Lockwood community brought to pass one of Lockwood’s biggest community meetings documented in October of 2013 with an attendance of over 250 people.  The goal this year is to surpass 350+ people in this years’ “Celebrate Lockwood” meeting.  Businesses with their information and donated door prizes are asked to call Lockwood Steering Committee Chairman Bob Reihl at 406-860-0272 or State Representative Jonathan McNiven at 406-672-5941 or Dodi Bapiste at 406-237-1802 with info for the big meeting.

Since the meeting one year ago, many things have happened since then, including new businesses, community infrastructure, districts as well as the Final Record of Decision of the Billings Bypass from Lockwood to Billings, Heights. 

The Meda (Montana Economic Development Association) Experts will return as well as give a quick follow up to the last year meeting.  Stay tuned for more excitement regarding the “Celebrate Lockwood” community meeting.    


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