By Evelyn Pyburn-Yellowstone County News
Lockwood School will host another public meeting for updating on progress with the high school construction.
Set for July 24, 6 pm, it will include a walk-through of the project which, during the meeting of the board on Tuesday, was reported as being 25 percent complete. Exactly where the meeting will convene has not yet been determined but when it is the location will be posted on facebook.
The construction team said they were pleased with the progress of construction. The work and budget is about where they want at this stage.
Nick Pancheaufrom Collaborative Design reported that the only bad news is that the County Commissioners refused to help in covering the cost of moving utility lines that must be moved to widen the road. He said that the commissioners said they did not want to start a policy of using county funds on state highways.
The good news is that Diane Lemm with Big Sky Economic Development is looking into opportunities for grant funding.
The board approved the contract with First Student and the bus routes which have been set for next year.
They also approved paying tuition to Billings for 16 freshman students this coming year.
So far, 101 students have enrolled for the first freshman class at Lockwood High School. 116 students graduated eighth grade at Lockwood this spring.
The board will hold a Budget Meeting in conjunction with the regular meeting on August 13. The Budget Meeting will start at 5 pm.