by Evelyn Pyburn
Yellowstone County District Court has set a schedule to hear the case that has been filed by the County Water District Board against County Commissioners and their board appointment, Pam Ellis.
A scheduling conference was held on October 11, before Judge Colette B. Davies with attorneys Susan B. Swimley and Alison P. Garab appearing for the Plaintiffs. Attorneys William W. Mercer and Kathryn M. Brautigam appeared for Defendant Pam Ellis. And, Attorney Melissa A. Williams appeared for Defendant Board of Commissioners for Yellowstone County.
Pretrial deadlines and the hearing date to handle discovery, motions and hearing were set.
The Water District Board is asking for a declaratory judgement from the court that the board of the Heights County Water District has the authority to remove Ellis from the board, who was appointed by the County as its representative on the board. They also ask for a restraining order to prohibit Ellis from participating as a director.