Lockwood Steering Committee Meeting Notes

Notes from February 28, 2013 Meeting

Attendees:  Don Reed, Chairman; Conrad Stroebe, Lockwood Urban Transportation Dist.; Pam Malek, ExxonMobil; Jim Schmid, Lockwood Urban Transportation Dist.; Lucy Schmid, resident; Corky Harkins, Board Member; Dan Belk, Board Member;  Nancy Belk, Lockwood Water/Sewer Dist.; Carl Peters, Lockwood Irrigation Dist.; Steve Arvechoug, BSEDA; Dan Carter, ExxonMobil; Kelly Drain, resident; Glen Seavey, Citizens for a Better Lockwood; Darold Dent, resident; Claire Johnson, Billings Gazette; Taylor Brown SD22; Jonathan McNiven HD44; Bob Riehl,Secretary/Treasurer; Jennifer Norman, resident; Cathy Swain, resident


Don called the meeting to order at 7 PM.

  • ·         LEGISLATIVE REPORT: Senator Taylor Brown reported on activities in the Senate.  The atmosphere in the current legislature is much better than his last two sessions.  The Governor has posted the state’s checkbook online.  Transparency in government has been promoted by Sen. Brown and he was prepared to introduce a bill again this session.  Current bill for higher education is promoting performance based wages for educators.  There will be property tax relief, but, most likely not the Governors proposal.  School funding is supported by both of our representatives to the legislature.  SB283, the HS District bill, died on the 3rd reading. Representative Jonathan McNiven echoed the good relationship with the Governor’s office.  He carried the resolution for development of Montana’s natural resources.  He feels that SB175 for school funding will move though the House in the second half of the session.  For Yellowstone County and Lockwood he introduced HB437 to allow Districts to be formed for Sidewalks/Trails and lighting.  It passed the house and is now in the Senate.
  • ·         Montana Economic Development Association: The Steering Committee will be submitting a letter of request to MEDA for a Community Development Assessment.  Timeline by early July.  BSEDA staff will aid in the process.  Cost that will be incurred by Lockwood would be lodging and food for 4 to 5 MEDA Resource Development Team members.
  • ·         CDBG Planning Grant: Planning grant applications will be due later this year.  If Lockwood submits one it would be after the MEDA Community Development Assessment.  The grant application requires local matching funds ($10,000 to match a $30,000 grant).   
  • ·         AmeriCorps Volunteers:  Don and Bob met with Brenda Beckett, City’s coordinator for AmeriCorps projects and Wyeth Friday City County Planning and staff from both offices on Feb 27th.  Many options for use of an AmeriCorps Volunteer were discussed.   The Steering Committee consensus was for Bob and Don to pursue one of several options.  The application process ends March 8th for this year’s volunteers.  Steve Arveschoug, Exec. Dir. BSEDA, said his staff will help in preparing the application.  Cost of this option is office space, supervision and $2500 administration fee.
  • ·         Water and Sewer; Carl Peters and Nancy Belk reported that the District will be meeting with EPA on their proposal for construction in the area of the solvent plume.  This is the only remaining construction in Phase I.  Additional grant money is still being sought for Phase II.  The currently proposed area is north of the 100 foot irrigation ditch out to Noblewood.
  • ·         SCHOOLS: Don Reed SD2 reported that Superintendent Novasio is working hard developing relationships with neighboring Districts collaborating on training and other activities.
  • ·         IRRIGATION DISTRICT:  Carl Peters reported they will begin burning canals later this spring.  He is currently reviewing the assessment lists both for the Irrigation District and the Water and Sewer District.  They will be making corrections for the next assessments.
  • ·         Transportation:  Bob Riehl reported on the Feb 16th meeting at the McDonalds/Town Pump.  The District supports HB437 and Don Reed, Darold Dent and Bob Riehl testified in support at the House Committee on Local Government Feb 19th.
  • NEXT MEETING will be March 28th.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM


Submitted by Bob Riehl, Approved by Don Reed

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