The local district director for the Montana Department of Transportation has said that they will be at the largest community meeting tomorrow night in Lockwood. Well, at least that is the hope to have it be the largest gathering of Lockwood residents and people for a Lockwood public meeting. Billings District Administrator, Stephen Streeter and his crew will be there at a table to answer questions that anyone will have regarding state roads like Hwy 87 East and questions regarding the Billings Bypass and the latest updates, time frames and info for the project. As the invitation was late, Streeter and his crew are scrambling to make it to the meeting but he was willing to try to make it.
Other Districts that will be there with tables include Lockwood Fire, School, Irrigation, and Water & Sewer.
Come early and see the unveiling of the new designs for the Lockwood Lions Lair from 5:30-6:30pm in the same location of Lockwood Sturdevant Gym. The Sturdevant Gym is located next to the Eileeen Johnson Middle School.
Then, plan to be among one of the 300 or more at the action packed 7pm Final Report meeting presented by Gloria O’Rouke from the Montana Economic Development Association. The evening will consist of the final report, organizing and participation among residents and engaged voters within the Lockwood community.
The community has been challenged to have 300 in attendance.
Signs have been put out, info presented and distributed on behalf of the Lockwood Steering Committee and other individuals throughout the community. Hopefully, the hard work will pay of in regards to informing the community about matters that are important to them.