Raising a family of 4 seems like a lot to many, but not for Jessica Oliver. When she found out that there were 5 brothers and sisters wanting to stay together in the same family; She felt inclined to answer the call!
Jessica Oliver, an registered nurse from Shepherd, Montana and her husband Bill have set out on a quest to adopt these five children. She heard about them and their desire to stay as a family on facebook. Jessica launched her own business some time ago called Nutra Nurse but feels that this might be the reason for all the preparations she and her husband have made in their house.
Adoptions have many different legalities, especially when it comes to the state it originates. Because the children live in another state, Jessica is researching if the children can come to Montana to live. Here is a little of her story.
A few years ago we built this great big house…(i can’t figure out how to put a picture here on the tablet right now…I’ll get it later)…with the idea that we would fill it with children. We only had two at the time and have since added two more. We have felt like we’ve done our duty. Four kids is a lot. When I do anything I want to be able to do it well and I’ve felt like this is what we could handle.
Seeing their picture and reading about them, I had so many reasons not to do this. Then I read this blog post about adoption myths. She pretty much debunked them all. So then I figured my husband would bring me back to reality like he always does. To my surprise, he engaged in conversation about it, all the “what if’s”…so we emailed. A really skeptical “I don’t really know if this is right for us” kind of email. Bill commented that he felt this was a very real possibility because he felt his heart being softened right away when I began telling him about these kids. We prayed about it, slept on it, and the next day I was in the gym when I got my answer…
For more on her story. Click here.
Good Luck Jessica and Bill! What an exciting time!