Darryl Wilson and Jim Ronquillo introduced themselves. Both are candidates in the Primary Election for Commissioner of Yellowstone County on the Democratic Ticket.
Jim Ronquillo – Got his knowledge of Lockwood as an employee with MDU – Gas and became familiar with the Lockwood activities as a member of the Billings City Council. He invited the community to the “March Against Drugs and Violence” event on Saturday, June 14
th on the County Courthouse Lawn from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM. He has volunteered for the event since the year 2000.
Darryl Wilson – First experience with Lockwood was as a child. They lived on Rosebud for a short time and he attended Lockwood School. He provided an open letter with his experience and background.
District Reports
Fire District
– No report. However, it was noted that the board currently has two open positions and the Fire Chief has taken a position with the City of Billings. Next meeting is June 4th 7 PM at the fire station.
Water and Sewer
– Carl Peters reported that the Board is moving forward with a project approximately 68% of the Phase II footprint. Still verifying any changes to the size of the Grants and Loans they obtained for Phase II and the size that will remain with a change in the foot print. When they know that they will put out definitive cost data for the property owners inside the reduced footprint. Next meeting is June 11th at 7 PM at the water offices.
Lockwood School
– working with committees on the state level for legislative changes relating to the School District. HS this last week Billings School District #2 had a hearing on High School options. Conrad Stroebe Spoke there was an article in the paper with most of the points. There still some confusion on the implications. Teresa Stroebe and Don Reed will be participating in the State committees mentioned above. Next meeting is June 10th 7 PM at the Board Room.
Irrigation District
– Carl Peters reported that the water will be in the upper ditch on May 27th. Next meeting is June 18th 7 PM at the water offices.
Lockwood Pedestrian Safety District –
The Advisory Board has met twice since the last Steering Committee meeting. They have picked up one more member and now have 9 members approved by the County Commissioners. They continue to discuss the areas of concern and are developing maps of those areas. They will develop a list concerns and present them to the County Commissioners. At the last meeting they spoke with Jeffery Butts from the city of Billings and Northwestern Energy spoke at the meeting about street lighting. The Board is considering using “Listening Posts” at the local businesses to gather information from the public. Next meeting of the Advisory Committee is June 3rd at 7 PM in the Lockwood School Administration Building.
Transportation District –
– No report.
MEDA – Committees
– Bob Riehl reported on activities of the committee. John Moberly of the Billings Job Service discussed the services they provide at the May meeting. The Business group has decided hold its monthly meetings at individual businesses. June will be at B&L Scales, July will be at Rocky Mountain Compost, August will be at the First Interstate Bank. Copies of the notes are available contact Bob to get them. Next meeting will be June 10th 7 AM at the offices of B&L Scales on the corner of Scott and North Frontage Road.
Media and Image
– No report
Governance –
Linda Green reported that there are many and varied positions of the Lockwood residents. They are still inviting folks to attend and participate. Next meeting is June 3rd 7PM at the Harvest Church.
Schools and Education
– No report.
Selection of New Officers and Steering Committee Structure
– Don Reed is stepping down after six years as Chairman. Bob Riehl will be Chairman beginning June 2014. At the June meeting other officers will be designated and the structure moving forward will be defined.
MEDA 1-Year follow-up
– A Draft agenda was handed out. We will need to begin planning for the fall event. It will occur in approximately 4 months. Each of the Districts and MEDA committees are asked to participate. We need planners to participate in our July and August meetings.
Award presented to Don Reed
– Bob Riehl presented Don Reed a desk ornament, inscribed with the words, “Presented to Don Reed, Chairman for his leadership of the Lockwood Steering Committee 2008-2014”. He also read notes from Representative Jonathan McNiven and Senator Taylor Brown who were not able to attend this months meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
Bob Riehl reported that with all bills in for this date the account balance is $815.70.
Next meeting
– Jun 26th at 7 PM
Notes Submitted by Bob Riehl