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Project Description:
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for a transportation project to improve access and connectivity between I-90 and Old Hwy 312 in the northeast portion of the Billings urban area.
This study was completed June 2012 and has been presented to the Yellowstone County Commissioners of which they all have committed thier support in making this project a priority for the Billings regional area. It could possibly be completed as soon as 2020.

Construction of the girders have been completed on the Billings Bypass bridge spanning the Yellowstone River. June 9, 2021. (Drone image by Jonathan McNiven/Yellowstone County News)
The Billings Bypass will connect the Billings Heights to interstate 90 at Johnson lane in Lockwood. There will be many primary and secondary roads in Billings and Lockwood that will also be upgraded in order to complete this project. Other roads the project would impact are Coulson road, 5 Mile Road, Dover Rd, Marys Street and Johnson Lane. The idea of having a Northend Bypass connection was prompted by a group of Lockwood residents which started in 1999 as a feasibility study but has evolved into the Billins Northend Bypass connection from Billings to Lockwood at johnson Lane.
It is estimated to cost about $111 Million for the project. The MDT and FHWA will continue to take comments until October 1, 2012 until comments will be closed to the public. The plan consist of a two lane road and expanding to a 4 lane road in the future.
Three alternatives have been identified for detailed evaluation in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). See the alternatives page for details about these and other alternatives considered for the project.
The public is invited to participate in the planning process, which is anticipated to continue through 2012.
MDT held a public hearing on September 12, 2012 to present the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and hear your comments. The public was also invited to comment on the Draft EIS in writing through October 1, 2012.
View this article regarding the Billings Northend Bypass.
View this page about Billings Northend Bypass (AKA – Billings Heights Bypass).
Here is another website with information about the Billngs Northend Bypass news, updates, and meetings.
Please stay tuned to the Lockwood Community Website Events Page as more info regarding the Heights Lockwood connection meetings are scheduled.
Public Hearing for Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Public Hearing September 12, 2012. Please join us!
Date: Wednesday, September 12 Time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Place: Lockwood Middle School, Commons (Eileen Johnson Building), 1932 U.S. Hwy 87 E, Lockwood
Copies of the Draft EIS are available for review at:
- MDT Billings District Office, 424 Morey Street, Billings, MT
- Montana State University Billings Library, 1500 University Drive, Billings, MT
- City-County Planning Department, 4th Floor Parmly Billings Library, 510 N. Broadway, Billings, MT
- Yellowstone County Commissioners Office (County Courthouse), 217 N. 27th Street, Room 403, Billings, MT
- MDT Environmental Services Bureau, 2960 Prospect Avenue, Helena, MT
- Lockwood Water & Sewer District, 1644 Old Hardin Road, Lockwood, MT
The Draft EIS may also be viewed and comments may be submitted on the MDT website.
Comments are due by October 1, 2012, and should be sent to Tom Martin, P.E., Environmental Services Bureau Chief, at Montana Department of Transportation Environmental Services, 2701 Prospect Avenue, PO Box 201001, Helena, Montana 59620-1001.
Coordination Plan
The purposes of the Coordination Plan are to facilitate and document the interaction of MDT and FHWA with the public and other agencies and to inform the public and other agencies of how the interaction will be accomplished. The coordination plan is meant to promote an efficient and streamlined process and good project management through coordination, scheduling, and early resolution of issues.
A copy of the Coordination Plan is available here.
Here is the agenda and meeting for Tues, Dec 11th – Billings Bypass Advisory Committee mtg – that was at the Billings Hotel and Convention Center for anyone interested.

The south part of the Billings Bypass looking towards Lockwood. Drone image taken June 9, 2021 by Jonathan McNiven/Yellowstone County News.
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