Category: Lockwood

Superintendent Sandbox-Novasio

by Lockwood School District Superintendent Tobin Novasio. Later this month Lockwood residents will receive mail ballots for the high school expansion vote.  I wanted to take this opportunity to educate our voters regarding what this vote is for. Just the…

Taxpayers save $1.7 million in county jail bond sale

Originally published in the 9/29/17 print edition of Yellowstone County News. BILLINGS — Good news for county taxpayers! The bond sale to finance the addition to the Yellowstone County Detention Facility (YCDF) was much better for county taxpayers than even…

Rally in the rain: High school boosters make progress

Originally published in the 9/22/17 print edition of Yellowstone County News. LOCKWOOD — Despite the continuation of a drizzling rain, a number of parents and students turned out Saturday for the Kickoff Rally for the Lockwood High School election campaign…

Superintendent Sandbox: Tobin Novasio

Local superintendents submit a monthly column to the Yellowstone County News called Superintendent Sandbox.  Occasionally, his remarks and column are featured here on the Lockwood Community website. This article by Superintendent Novasio was published in the 9/1/17 print edition of…

New mega fertilizer plant taking shape in Lockwood

Originally published in the 8/25/17 print edition of Yellowstone County News. LOCKWOOD — The economics of unit trains and improving technology are making possible the building of a new mega fertilizer plant by Town & Country Supply Association near Lockwood. Construction…