Category: Lockwood

Exxonmobil expanding refinery in Lockwood

Originally published in the print edition on 4/21/17. LOCKWOOD — Plans are in the works by ExxonMobil Billings Refinery to build two new buildings this summer, as well as to begin construction of a sewer line that will connect the facility…

SB 139 passes House on second reading, back in committee

Originally published in the Yellowstone County News print edition -by Judy Killen HELENA — Lockwood and East Helena residents are still waiting to see whether they may consider building high schools as Senate Bill 139 advances through the Legislature. The…

Lockwood Sidewalk bids come in under estimate

Originally published in the print edition of the Yellowstone County News. LOCKWOOD — The rest of the sidewalk along Highway 87 in Lockwood, up to Old Hardin Road, will soon be completed. The Lockwood Pedestrian Safety Committee awarded the bid…