Hello Folks from Helena. It’s been a busy first two weeks at the Capitol as I’ve gotten settled in for the MT 63rd Legislative session. It’s refreshing to know that I have one session already under my belt and know…

Lockwood School Safety- By Superintendent
Lockwood Parents and Community: In the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT there have been several inquiries about safety here at Lockwood Schools. I wanted to take the weekend to think and reflect on the…
School Recieves $3,000 From Exxonmobil, Approves Pre-school
The Lockwood School Board meeting for December opened with some good news from Pam Malek from Exxonmobil with a presentation to Gordan Klasna for $3,000. The money will go to help support the increase in needed supplies incurred due to enrollment…
Lockwood Contest
The Lockwod Montana Facebook group, another extention and outreach endeavor of the Lockwood community website has been initiated! Here’s your chance to win $100 worth of Lockwood IGA’s Famous Prime Rib. Whoever can have the most friends that “Like” the Lockwood Montana…
Exxonmobil will not Protest Taxes
Lockwood Community members along with others are grateful to hear that ExxonMobil will not protest their taxes this year. It’s always been a concern for previous and former Lockwood Superintendent Eileen Johnson and has been a concern to the new Superintendent Tobin Navasio…
Lockwood Middle School News 4 You
For those interested in School News, LMSN4U which stands for Lockwood Middle School News 4 U has a new feature, a new news program. This news feature gives the middle schoolers an opportunity to keep up on the new things…
Lockwood Community Website Launches With Face Lift
Internet: www.Lockwoodmontana.com Facebook: Lockwood Montana FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: NEWS MEDIA CONTACT Nov. 15, 2012 Jonathan McNiven, 406-672-5941 Email: jmcniven@huntleyproject.net Lockwood Community Website Launches Online Click here for the link to the online Scavenger Hunt Lockwood, MT – The Lockwood Montana…
Local Business Raising Money for Fire Victims
A lockwood business is holding a benefit dinner for a family who lives in Emerald Hills whose home burned Wednesday morning. On Nov. 14 at 7pm, Oscars Bar & Casino is holding a potluck and silent auction with the proceeds…