by Michael J. Marino At the May 10 meeting of the Yellowstone County Rural Fire Council (YCRFC), Lockwood Fire Chief John Staley stated, “In a year or two, Yellowstone County could find themselves without [ambulance] transport,” and that, “…we’re really…

TurboTax Ordered to Pay Back Montanans for Deceptive Practices
Nearly 17,000 Montanans will benefit from a settlement reached between Montana Attorney General (AG) Austin Knudsen and TurboTax, according to a press release on May 6.
Lockwood Irrigation District Gets Grant while Construction Causes Flooding Worry
by Evelyn Pyburn Lockwood Irrigation has been informed that they are being awarded a $35,000 ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) grant, according to Carl Peters, Irrigation District Manager. The grant falls short of the $400,000 requested, said Peters, which means…
New Plant Joins Meat Processing Boom in Montana
The production of meat processing in Montana has taken center stage over the past couple of weeks including the unveiling of a new state-of-art meat processing plant that is being built just outside of Billings. Perched on the top of the…
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Eskorte thai massasje stavanger Noen lurer unna velferdskroner via skatteparadis. Har heller ikke fått de til å fungere på Kullt. (Old Trafford denne sesongen). I tillegg samarbeider vi med en rekke lokaler i nærmiljøet – dette gjør at vi kan hjelpe…
New St. Vincent Clinic Open in Lockwood
by Evelyn Pyburn A committee of the Lockwood School Board recommended increasing Superintendent Tobin Novasio’s salary 6 percent for the 2022-23 school year, which was unanimously approved by the board.
No Injuries After Enormous Bus Fire Erupts on I-90 West
At about 7:45pm on April 10, a large bus carrying Montana State University – Bozeman (MSU-B) men’s lacrosse team caught fire on Interstate 90 West between the two Lockwood exits. According to the team’s coach, Chris Kelley, the team had…
Voters to Consider Multiple Mill Levies this Election
There are two different kinds of levies: permissive and general. General mills are voted on each election cycle by the constituents of each school district, while permissive mills are levied by state law.