Fire Council Warns of Impending Ambulance Crisis

by Michael J. Marino At the May 10 meeting of the Yellowstone County Rural Fire Council (YCRFC), Lockwood Fire Chief John Staley stated, “In a year or two, Yellowstone County could find themselves without [ambulance] transport,” and that, “…we’re really…

New Plant Joins Meat Processing Boom in Montana

The production of meat processing in Montana has taken center stage over the past couple of weeks including the unveiling of a new state-of-art meat processing plant that is being built just outside of Billings. Perched on the top of the…

New St. Vincent Clinic Open in Lockwood

by Evelyn Pyburn A committee of the Lockwood School Board recommended increasing Superintendent Tobin Novasio’s salary 6 percent for the 2022-23 school year, which was unanimously approved by the board.