–Weather conditions and forecast can change within minutes. Whether it’s a strong wind, snow, rain or any other type of precipitation; we hope this page will serve as a resource for weather information and updates for the Lockwood area. If you have some weather pictures that you’d like to share with us from the Lockwood area, please email them to us and we will give your credit.
For current weather forcast and 5-day outlook for Lockwood, MT; click here
For Local Billings and Lockwood Radar, click here.
For current weather conditions from the National Weather Service in Billings, click here.
Here are some nearby images/videos of flooding from Pompeys Pillar National Monument, weather alerts, and images from the Huntley Pryor Creek Flood of 2011.
5 Day Weather Forecast & Conditions for Lockwood, MT
Get Live Streaming weather updates during the 5:30 and 10 pm news cast here.
Here is a raw video from the 2011 Father’s Day tornado in Billings, MT that ripped off the roof of the Metra Park Arena.